steam table

美 [stiːm ˈteɪbl]英 [stiːm ˈteɪbl]
  • 网络蒸汽表;保温餐桌;于蒸气保温柜;蒸气表;蒸汽桌
steam tablesteam table
  1. With the help of the said method a table of wet gas thermodynamic properties and also an ideal steam table to be used in conjunction with the former have been prepared , which are suitable for practical engineering applications .


  2. Compensating Calculation of Steam Flow Table by Delphi


  3. Fasten Hotel also has Sacred Wellspring Cultural Leisure Center with steam rooms , table tennis rooms , chess and card rooms and gyms .


  4. The parameters of the model can be obtained from the pressure in the drum , the physical dimensions and characteristics of the boiler and the steam and water parameters table .
